Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Planning To Become A WAHM - Have Your Game Plan In Order

So, you decided to fire your boss and become a work at home mom. Sounds absolutely amazing. No 5a.m. alarm clock, no rush hour traffic, no dropping the children off at the sitter's. Everything is going to be great from this point on. Or is it?

Hundreds, if not thousands, of women are taking the leap and walking away from their 9 to 5 jobs and working from home. It sounds very tempting and because of the explosive impact the internet has had on our society working from home isn't just a dream, it's reality.

However, before you venture into unchartered territory, make sure you've got your game plan in order.

Working outside the home has always been a dilemma for women, especially mothers. We are torn between work and family battling feelings of guilt on a daily basis about not making the dance recitals, or the soccer games because of that most important project that had to be finished or else.

Still, traditional employment does afford us some benefits working from home does not.

On the "job", we have paid vacation and sick days, health insurance, retirement/pension plans and sometimes we'd even get a free turkey at Christmas.

So, before you take the leap, make sure you've checked into a few things.

Shop around for reasonably priced health insurance. Insurance alone will probably be one of your biggest expenses. Also consult with a financial counselor about retirement investing. Social security (as bleak as it's future seems) won't be available to the work at home community.

But more importantly than anything I've shared with you, speak to your accountant. If you don't have one...find one.

Having a home based business can qualify you for some pretty substantial tax deductions for things you wouldn't have dreamed of deducting while working your 9 to 5.

Working at home has been so very rewarding. I'm enjoying my home and family in a way I never could have imagined. The opportunities are endless and the sky truly is the limit with dedication, hard work, and exceptional planning. So, establish your game plan and follow it through.

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Following The Call To A Golf Career

It used to be that a golf career was just a far off dream for the average person. Luckily, this is no longer the case. Changing attitudes about careers and a booming golf industry has allowed a great number of individuals to attain their dream job.

One does not necessarily have to be directly involved in the sport to have a career in the golf industry. It only makes sense that the wide variety of people that love golf have a wide variety of different strengths and skills. Keeping the industry afloat requires not just players but groundskeepers, operations managers and even public relations personnel.

The person who really lives for a day on the course may do well as a groundskeeper, especially those who like working with their hands. These individuals know there is much in the way of strategic planning for golf courses. There is also the aspect of providing an aesthetic view.

A groundskeeper is also likely to be in charge of a crew, calling for good people skills. The ability to budget will come into play whenever different tools or materials for the course are needed. To top it all off, knowing the correct usage and application of these tools and materials makes the groundskeeper one of the most educated persons in the golf industry.

Another prestigious golf career is that of a golf course manager. This is a best bet for those who have a special ability to coordinate various aspects and keep operations running on a smooth track. A golf course manager largely represents the face of a course from the ground up.

A good golf course manager knows he or she must create a quality environment, not only for patrons but for workers as well. The required skills to oversee the entire operation of an organization are not just found anywhere. On top of a well-rounded education and a good amount of experience, a strong sense of self and good attitude must also be present.

Sometimes, individuals find they do their best work promoting the game of golf to others. Sports writers, public relations professionals and charity coordinators all have their place in the golf industry. As the world of golf constantly evolves and changes, keeping abreast of all the new events and innovations is a never-ending task.

The use of golf as a charity event has always been one of the best ways to raise money for a cause. However, putting these events together requires everything from players to effective advertising. Knowing the golf market is essential to getting the message out to the right people at the right time.

For those who prefer to stay close to the game but out of the professional circle, the most sought after golf career is that of the instructor. The call for instructors can have one working in recreational camps, high schools, luxurious golf courses and even resort hotels. With a number of individuals of all ages taking up golf, one can even choose what age range they prefer to work with.

Golf instructors must be able to help their students feel comfortable in order for learning to take place. They must be able to gauge their student's skill level and recognize strengths and weaknesses. Those who have a special gift for this type of vocation often have luck working as private instructors.

When an individual combines their best skills with their love of golf, there's no telling what type of golf career will emerge. What is for sure is that the person will finally have the type of career that makes them look forward to getting up and going to work in the morning.

Andy West is a freelance writer for SDGA. San Diego Golf Academy is a premier golf career college with five locations across the United States. For information please visit http://www.sdga.edu

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