Saturday, April 26, 2008
Weight Loss Motivation - The 7 Problems That Can Destroy Your Weight Loss Efforts! Part 2
Weight loss motivation is a BIG problem especially if you have a lot of weight to lose.
The problem can just seem IMPOSSIBLE!
How do you get the motivation to start your weight loss plan and more importantly to stick to it? This 7 part series will help you to overcome the 7 most crippling problems faced by people trying to stick to a weight loss plan and offer the solutions that allowed me to break free of the weight loss plateau.
This brings us to the first problem that can destroy your weight loss efforts:
Problem 1: I don't have time to exercise
Finding the weight loss motivation you need is hard but it is so much easier to make excuses.
Classic weight loss motivation excuses:
- I work several jobs and don't have time
- I have kids and they take up all my time
- Between kids, my job, housework and hubby I couldn't possibly fit it in
- The problem is just too big. I can't do it.
- I can't manage to exercise for very long at all. What I can do is insignificant. It's hopeless.
- The exercise and hunger is too painful
- I am not getting results. Shouldn't I see some change within a few weeks?
Weight loss solution No.1 - You don't need to exercise for very long to make a difference.
When you start just do 20 minutes per day. Do it in front of the tv or whilst listening to the radio. Do it with a friend. Park an extra block away form work giving you a short walk each day. Don't use the tv remote. Walk to the tv each time you want to change the channel.
Brainstorm 10 creative ways that you can incorporate exercise into your existing daily routine. You will be surprised! Short bursts of regular exercise are actually better for you than a long session that never happens.
As I am a trained maths teacher, allow me to give you a little maths lesson.
If you commit to just 20 minutes a day for 4 days a week and deduct 8 hours per day for sleeping then you are committing to only 1.1% of your time in a week!
Only do as much exercise as your body can handle. You body is smarter than any weight loss expert and if you listen to it you can feel how much you can safely handle and stick to on a daily basis.
Weight loss solution No.2 - EASE THE PAIN!
When you first commit to a change of lifestyle there is an inevitable adjustment period. You must adjust to regular exercise, smaller meals and hunger for starters.
Make your exercise fun with a few warm up exercises that you enjoy. Break it down into steps and goals. Your first goal may simply be to get your body moving. Do 5-10 minutes of your favourite exercise, 5-10 minutes of an aerobic activity, 5minutes of resistance training then a short warm down. Exercise doesn't have to be pain and work. It can be as fun as you can make it!
There is a way to actually control your appetite without hunger pains.
CBS and ABC news ran an article about a cactus like plant called Hoodia that grows in the Kalahari Desert of South Africa. The native Bushmen of the area have been using the cactus to suppress hunger and thirst on their hunting trips through the desert for hundreds of years.
This cactus is now available in a supplement form that allows people from all over the world to take advantage of the Hoodia cactus.
The appetite suppressant effects have allowed thousands of Americans to finally get their appetite and cravings between meals under control where other products have failed in the past.
It can take several painful experiences to finally purchase a hoodia product that is not a fake or full of useless additives. There is nothing more disheartening than purchasing a product and finding it does nothing and you are back to square one with no weight loss solution in sight.
Hoodia is a very rare product and the huge demand for this product often outweighs its supply. The South African Government has placed limits on the amount of Hoodia that can be exported to avoid the cactus being over-harvested. This has resulted in many companies offering fake Hoodia supplements or supplements with so little authentic Hoodia in them that they are a waste of your time and money.
An authentic hoodia cactus extract is a popular form of appetite suppression that has worked for thousands of people. But unless you plan on losing your money rather than your pounds there are the 3 things you absolutely must AVOID! These clues on a manufacturers website will help you to identify the scammers and which products to stay away from.
Visit Trusted Weight Loss Review and discover what you need to know.
This article only addresses one of the problems that can destroy your weight loss motivation. You can also download the full ebook The 7 Problems that can CRIPPLE your weight loss efforts for free at Trusted Weight Loss Review and get the full story.
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California Yoga Teacher CertificationChoosing The Perfect Home Theater Speaker Package
We have many choices to make today, and when considering the problem of choosing a home theater speaker package, things get really complicated, because the diversity, the big number, the ever-new shapes and features of a home theater speaker package on the market become dazzling and as resplendent as if you browsed in a candy shop full of goodies. That is why you have to combine the quality and the best price possible of a home theater speaker package.
It is indicated that you collect data regarding every part of the desired home theater speaker package, and get acquainted with the technology of the components: you may find an ideal package that contains all the distinct components you desire, or you can choose them by yourself, buying them separately to obtain maximum quality.
Whatever knickknacks you are searching for, your ideal home theater speaker package must definitely include subwoofers, midrange speakers and tweeters, to feel the surround sound adventure intensely and to the fullest. Another hard assessment that needs to be done is whether you need wired or wireless home theater technology, because it depends on the looks of it, and on whatever needs you have. The value of your home theater speaker package is dependent also of the crossover design that determines how good your driver sound is, so be careful at this crossover design issue so as to get the best of hi-tech.
The more, the merrier? Make your mind up on how many speakers youd like your home theater speaker package to include, following of course some minimal pieces of advice: small speakers are to be selected for the surround sound and when a single sub-woofer is involved, whereas large tower speakers carry the duty of creating stereophonic effects.
You can literally be amazed by the richness of the offer on the market for speakers, because you can very well be caught by a drift and a crazy shopping spree, ending up with a very expensive home theater speaker package: to avoid that, search for distinct speakers to see the best costs, how many features a certain package offers and if the price is comparable with the qualities: of course, you have to know a bit of electronics to discern which is good and which is not so good and why. You can get information such as this online, from impartial reports regarding certain home theater speaker packages, compare with what you saw in the electronic shops you entered and make your final selection.
Listening to individual speaker systems can also be a good idea, so as to form a better opinion, visit the web for information and reports again and engage in some price evaluation. If you follow these simple steps, you can choose an ideal home theater speaker package to soothe your mood.
You can also find more info on Home Theater and Home Theater Audio Systems. is a comprehensive resource to know about Home Theater and Discover Home Hall Cinema.
RodneyyeeyogavideomusiccomposersMesothelioma's Symptoms
It is often difficult to differentiate the symptoms of mesothelioma from other diseases. Mesothelioma, much like a handful of other diseases induces very vague symptoms. What makes mesothelioma even more difficult to diagnose is the fact that symptoms typically develop 30 to 40 years after asbestos exposure.
This characteristic in itself makes the disease very dangerous. Once a person actually begins to experience symptoms of the disease, it is typically far too advanced to treat. Mesotheliomas typical symptoms include coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain, fatigue, weight loss, etc. now, these symptoms vary from the various types of mesothelioma.
The two most common symptoms that drive people to visit their physician happen to be the two most generic; coughing and shortness of breath. When one has pleural mesothelioma, cancerous tumors develop in the pleural lining. These tumors make it very difficult for the lungs to expand in a correct manner. When tumors in the pleura, pericardium, and peritoneum grow, their host organ subsequently expands.
This allows fluids to enter the organ, triggering numerous other symptoms such as chest pains. These symptoms tend to make it very difficult for a person to sleep and eat. Subsequently, this can result in severe weight loss. If youre experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms and at one time or another have been exposed to asbestos, it is best to visit a physician who can determine whether or not your symptoms are the result of the MS.
If you are experiencing these symptoms and have never been exposed to asbestos, chances are that you are suffering from a different ailment.
A professional writer with an active interest in Mesothelioma cancer.
Cl Montreal Yoga