Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Planning To Become A WAHM - Have Your Game Plan In Order

So, you decided to fire your boss and become a work at home mom. Sounds absolutely amazing. No 5a.m. alarm clock, no rush hour traffic, no dropping the children off at the sitter's. Everything is going to be great from this point on. Or is it?

Hundreds, if not thousands, of women are taking the leap and walking away from their 9 to 5 jobs and working from home. It sounds very tempting and because of the explosive impact the internet has had on our society working from home isn't just a dream, it's reality.

However, before you venture into unchartered territory, make sure you've got your game plan in order.

Working outside the home has always been a dilemma for women, especially mothers. We are torn between work and family battling feelings of guilt on a daily basis about not making the dance recitals, or the soccer games because of that most important project that had to be finished or else.

Still, traditional employment does afford us some benefits working from home does not.

On the "job", we have paid vacation and sick days, health insurance, retirement/pension plans and sometimes we'd even get a free turkey at Christmas.

So, before you take the leap, make sure you've checked into a few things.

Shop around for reasonably priced health insurance. Insurance alone will probably be one of your biggest expenses. Also consult with a financial counselor about retirement investing. Social security (as bleak as it's future seems) won't be available to the work at home community.

But more importantly than anything I've shared with you, speak to your accountant. If you don't have one...find one.

Having a home based business can qualify you for some pretty substantial tax deductions for things you wouldn't have dreamed of deducting while working your 9 to 5.

Working at home has been so very rewarding. I'm enjoying my home and family in a way I never could have imagined. The opportunities are endless and the sky truly is the limit with dedication, hard work, and exceptional planning. So, establish your game plan and follow it through.

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