Saturday, August 9, 2008

Understanding The Different Types Of Yoga

...There are many different types of yoga and each has its own traits and benefits. By picking up the fundamental on each and every type of yoga, you can determine what is suitable for you.

Hatha Yoga is one of the most widespread and it a divine practice that concentrates on the physical aspects to derive mental, emotional and physical health. It goes back to the fifteenth century and founded by Yogi Swatmarama, a wise teacher. Hatha yoga is called "hatha vidya" with "ha" means the sun and "tha" implies the moon and together they are the "nadis" or the flow of energy in the body and must work to achieve "dhyana" a feature of meditation.

The full notion of the ancient hatha yoga is a divine path that encompasses moral and ethics, exercises, breathe control and meditation. Hatha yoga practices that are taken up by western practitioners largely concentrate on poses. Both hatha and raja yoga concentrate on the physical aspects and are collectively known as astanga yoga.

The key difference is that raja yoga concentrate on "asanas" or poses to prepare the body for extended meditation.

On the other hand, Hatha yoga creates harmony in the mind and body through exercises, breathe control as well as relaxing the mind by relaxing and meditating. Adopting different poses can ease or prevent health troubles from constipation to cancer.

Raja yoga is known a...more

The Yoga Posture That Nearly Kills Me - But May Save Me and lungs when the body is bent backward. It is a boost for the immune system. The nervous system benefits, as Cerebral-Spinal fluids are pumped, resulting in a clearer mind. Back-bends stimulate the lymphatic system by opening the areas where lymph nodes and glands are located. The kidneys and adrenals are squeezed, which cleanses and de-stresses the body.

I know that the back bend is good for me, but it also kills...more

How To Begin Your Yoga Practice In Texas

...ith another round of "oms."

Congratulations! You just finished your first Yoga class and you may be a little sore in the morning.

So what if I don't have access to a Yoga class?

Sure, there are a lot of great Yoga books and videos available. But there is no substitute for learning directly from a good yogi in a Yoga class. So if you can't get to a Yoga class, start with any beginners video because this will give you more visuals to follow than you'll find in a book.

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Teaching Yoga as Therapy

...ies and ailments, as a result of practicing Yoga on a therapeutic level.

In the case of children learning proper breathing techniques (pranayama), postures (asanas), proper diet, meditation, and deep relaxation - Yogic methods become a natural form of therapy, and give them valuable life skills. Children need to have the skills to deal with stress, peer pressure, and finding their way throughout life.

The most common form of contemporar...more

Cl Dulwich London Yoga

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