Thursday, August 14, 2008
Easing Stress Naturally - Practice Yoga
...One of the many ways to ease stress naturally is by practicing yoga. This tradition traces its origins from India dating back to approximately 6 to 7 thousand years ago. The earliest written accounts pertaining to yoga can be found in the Rig Veda which is believed to be written between 1500 and 1200 BC.
What is Yoga?
The word "yoga" was derived from the Sanskrit word "yuj" meaning "to join" or "unite". It is commonly defined as a vibrant chain of ancient spiritual practices designed to bring yoga practitioners into a state of wholeness and completeness.
The ultimate goal of yoga is to attain freedom from worldly sufferings and serves a means of achieving enlightenment, whereby one transcends conscious thoughts and experiences spiritual bliss. It calls for the mastery over the body, mind, emotions and the ability to rise above worldly desires. Practicing yoga is known to result in the gradual awareness of the true meaning of reality.
In the ancient world, yoga evolved as a way of cultivating spiritual awareness, compassion and insight. It has been taken to repre...more
Yoga Styles For Beginners
...ery specific and only offered at the A.R.E. Center in Virginia beach by a revered yoga instructor of over 30 years. This high energy yoga class was designed to help build strong blood circulation throughout the body and is a wonderful way to warm the body and lift spirits. This class is held for free on the beach every Sunday morning when weather permits, and is loved because it provides beautiful sunrises, crashing waves and leaping dolphins, along with stretching and toning. The class lasts 2 hours and can be very challenging initially, but over time, after you adjust to the level of energy required, you won't want to miss a class.
There are tons of resources available to help you get started on your yoga experience. And with the numerous available yoga styles out there, you are guaranteed to find a class that best suits you. And who knows, you might become so comfortable in the class that you decide to instruct your own and become one of the pioneers of the many new yoga styles to come!more
Teaching Yoga for Stress Management - Stress relief for Teenagers
...ll practitioners. teens can learn to pursue one short-term goal at a time. This will make daily life much more manageable. teens should learn various Yogic relaxation techniques, such as body scanning, stage-by-stage relaxation, and progressive muscle relaxation.
Physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health, can be restored by learning to accept oneself, as is. teens can condition and prepare themselves to realize that they will not be in control of every situation life throws at them. Open discussions with their peers, after a Yoga session, in support groups, teen meetings, after school activities, or a public speaking class, will strengthen teen social skills and character.
Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications<...more
The History And Principles Of Yoga
... can bring into a busy household makes for happier and closer families. The many modern afflictions, addictions and bad habits that are so prevalent in our socities today can so easily be off-loaded when the body and mind become balanced with one another through Yoga practise.
The convenience and affordability of yoga also makes it accessible to almost everyone in some manner or another, and it also seems quite fashionable which makes it an added benefit for some people. Practise your Yoga techniques at work or at home to improve the standard of your life in general, and gain almost instant fulfillment.
...moreBecome Qualification Teacher Yoga