Friday, April 11, 2008

Obesity, An American Epidemic

An epidemic of obesity and its health related complications are sweeping America.

Unfortunately, one out of three of us are part of this plague, and the number appears to grow daily. Despite an abundance of diet books, diet plans, home exercise equipment, and dire warnings from the medical community, less than one percent of dieters achieve sustained weight loss and many fail to produce measurable results in health improvements. In fact, research suggests dieting may be part of the obesity problem, rather than the solution.

The root of the obesity problem lies in our eating habits. Simply put, we eat too much saturated fat and refined sugar, and too little fibermost of this brought on by spending over half of our food budget on fast food in the form of greasy burgers and fries, gulped down with syrup-laden sodas. Let me give you two weight loss tips right here: (1) Stop using the drive-thru. (2) Stop eating refined and sweetened foods.

On a personal level, has your diet succeeded in changing your eating habits? Chances are it has not. A diet plan may tell you what and how much to eat, but it cannot settle your bodys craving for food, nor can it change your eating habits.

According to the Surgeon General, obesity causes over 300,000 deaths per year and doubles your chances of becoming diabetic. Obesity also increases the probability of acquiring other health related issues, such as:

Heart disease

Breast cancer


Sleep apnea


Pregnancy complications


The statistics are frightening. The problem is real. But, there is hope. While the national statistics of obesity and diabetes skyrocket, you can defy the numbers. As you journey with me, it is my hope you will find the inspiration to achieve success with your diet.

Diets are personal, and what works for one person may not work for another. Amidst the din of conflicting and often confusing information about dieting, you must choose the path that is right for you. Your diet should not be drudgery, but should be a joyful process of self-discovery and mastery over food addiction. Each successful day represents a triumph, and each triumph gives you more strength and resolve to persevere. As Thoreau once stated We are all sculptors and painters, and our material is our own flesh and blood and bones.

Now is the time for new beginnings. Become a successful dieter, today. The clock is ticking.

I would like to speak to you metaphorically for a moment by comparing my body and eating habits to a steamroller.

When it comes to eating Im just like one of those steamrollers you see flattening the pavement at a construction site. Once that thing gets rolling, it takes a lot of energy to stop it. Likewise, once I start eating, I tend to binge. Everything in my path gets flattenedthat is, eaten. Steamrolling my way though the refrigerator seemed fun at the time, but looking back, I realize it was a recipe for disaster.

For ten years I ignored the growing bulge around my waistline and laughed as my pants sizes, and clothing purchases escalated with a regularity that kept my local Wal-Mart clothing department gainfully employed. But like a balloon, you can only fill it up so far before she blows. I had to find a way to shut the steamroller down before it ran me over.

Carrying the steamroller analogy a bit further, I knew if I could steal the battery, or somehow disable the starting mechanism, I could make it through the day without bingeing or grossly violating the rules of my diet. What I learned was that the best way to disable the bingeing steamroller machine was to not allow it to get started. That is, I recognized I was unable to stop eating after I started, therefore, I resolved to not get started to begin with. Dieting for me required cold turkey cessation of the snacking routine. I now limit my eating to scheduled meal times. I now eat three meals and two snacks per day. Its not easy, and it takes desire, dedication, and determination to succeed.

You know that.

But what you may not realize is that the benefits of being physically fit make the pain, discomfort, and hassle of dieting worthwhile.

Ladies beware. I dont mean to frighten you, and it just doesnt seem fair, but obesity is a killer. Not only does it claim over 300,000 lives per year, it also significantly increases your chances of acquiring diabetes and/or breast cancer.

One day I stepped on the scale and nearly passed out when I read the numbers: 270. I shook my head in amazement and whispered to myself, Congratulations Mr. Taylor, you are obese. For the next 18 months following that momentous day, I dedicated myself to a diet of three meals and two small snacks per day, and found a way to get some exercise at least five days out of each week. It wasnt easy, and yes, there were both good and bad days. Following the bad days I reconfirmed my desire to continue with my diet and refused to quit. In hindsight, I can see that the refusal to quit was much more vital to my success than the actual diet plan.

There are dozens, perhaps hundreds of diet plans available on the market today. You may even be working on one prescribed by your physician. In my opinion, any sensible diet that does not demand extremes in food limits, such as starvation diets, and emphasizes a well-balanced approach to reducing calorie intake and increasing calorie consumption (via exercise) is workable. If you have a specific medical condition, such as hyperthyroidism or diabetes, than of course you need to be working under a doctors diet, specifically designed for you and your condition.

The important thing, I believe, is for you to find a diet you are comfortable with, and that you can sustain as a way of life. Jumping from one diet to the next may be good for the booksellers and packaged food diet plans, but it is rarely effective in helping you to actually lose weight.

Here is the skinny on my weight loss, which you may or may not like to hear. Short of a specific medical condition, as I mentioned earlier, weight loss is a function of expending more calories than you consume. You can do this in any one of three ways:

1.Increase the amount of calories your body burns through regular exercise.

2.Decrease the amount of calories you eat.

3.Attack weight loss by both eating less and exercising more.

Every thing else you read or hear about dieting is a variation or elaboration of these three key points.

Additionally, I learned that successful dieters are patient dieters. It took ten years of binge eating and neglect for me to accumulate over 90 pounds in excess weight. But when I started my diet, I wanted the fat off immediatelythat Thursday would have been fine. Sadly, it didnt happen as I planned. It took 18 months of consistent, deliberate work. On a positive note, however, I felt the difference in my energy level and self-esteem within one week of diligently adhering to my diet. And as you will learn, its these small rewards of confidence and new energy that you will begin to feed on as you adapt to a new lifestyle.

There was no magical pill, ointment, food product, or ingenious piece of home exercise equipment that helped me along. In fact, I would still like my $39 back for that abdominal workout gizmo that tightened my love handles, but did not help me to lose a single pound. Make patience the first ingredient in your successful diet recipe book, and forget the gimmicks.

Ron Taylor hosts The Hersh Directory, Your Gateway To A Wealth Of Internet Resources. You can review his various articles and diet plans at:

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Custom Golf Carts Make a Great First Business Impression

Custom golf carts are a must for the entrepreneur who wants to impress any potential new business partners. Nowadays, its common practice for business meetings to take place on the links. There is absolutely no denying that not all business deals take place in the boardroom. With the more relaxed nature of business today, many people are conducting business from everywhere, including the golf course.

Every business wants to make an impression that will sit well with anyone they plan on working with. If you are a business owner who invites an associate to a round of golf, you are obviously the one who then becomes responsible for hosting the game. Although you can drive your golf partner around in one of the used golf carts that is supplied by the course, you want to obviously do better than that.

EZ Go golf carts are one of the premier choices. You can purchase a golf cart by this well respected manufacturer and then have it custom painted to reflect your companys theme. Its a great idea to add your companys logo to the side of the custom golf cart so that the person you are entertaining for the day, is always aware of who is responsible for their chance to unwind.

If your company is a new venture and is just finding its feet, consider a used cart that you then have custom painted. There are many great, well built, Yamaha golf carts that are available. With some elbow grease, a spectacular paint job and your companys brand emblazoned on the side, youll have created an impressive set of wheels to accommodate your future business partners as they play golf with you.

As your business expands and you delve into the world of corporate sponsored golf tournaments, youll need to consider adding to your fleet of custom golf carts. Its advisable that you use the same company to handle the painting and detail work on each cart. You want them to appear as a cohesive unit to your tournament guests and just seeing them all there, waiting in the wings as your guests arrive, will reiterate how important you believe your companys image is.

Remember that it doesnt have to cost too much to purchase a cart and then have it customized to be what you would like it to be. Although this may seem as though its going above and beyond the expected call of duty, its these small gestures that will stick in the minds of potential investors, clients and customers. You want your business to be one that people talk about for the right reasons, so go the extra mile by purchasing a golf cart that is customized. Those who go golfing with you likely wont forget it for a long time. From golf online guide

For more on custom golf carts, and a comphrehensive guide to golf carts and accessories, go to

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Features in Two Way Radios for Outdoor Users

Two way radios are now being manufactured in amazing models having numerous features. Earlier these radios were just crude models that were used for free communication within a particular range. One got to see these radios only in the hands of army men, police men or marketing personnels i.e., mostly in the hands of people constantly on the move. But owing to the introduction of exciting features and smart models, these radios are now used for communication among family members as well.

Despite being used by families as well, two way radios are still more popular for outdoor usage. The higher the price, the more the features. One of the exciting features in high end models that is useful for outdoor users is a key that locks your channel so that it does not change when a person moves around. Other features include a digital camera, an AM/FM radio tuner, digital compasses, alarms, thermometers and barometers and even stop watches.

Another exciting and innovative feature available in two way radios is the Auto Squelch that keeps the radio silent until a signal is received. It also has a last channel recall button that is similar to the redial button on a normal phone. Other useful features include an auto channel scan that scans all channels for signal, along with a backlit lcd that enables the user to see the display even in the dark. There is also a provision to attach more speakers and microphones.

For outdoor users, Two way radios now come with various accessories that not only enhance its look and makes it user friendly, but some also prevent wear and tear of the radio when it is exposed to harsh conditions. These include waterproof cases, charging units, headsets and shoulder and belt holsters.

All these features and accessories make two way radios the best communication gadgets for outdoor usage.

Dennis Jaylon is a renowned business writer who has years of experience in writing technical reviews, product descriptions and product feature analysis of technical gadgets and gizmos. He has won appreciation especially for enlightening people about the latest communication gizmos...the Two way radios

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