Saturday, June 21, 2008

Bikram Yoga

...efore, but Bikram has added NEW definition and a few, new sexy muscles too! AND lots of new flexibility. I also found that my running was positively impacted, as doing Bikram expands lung capacity. After a month off of running, I actually felt stronger than before!! It's also been instrumental in healing so old injuries.

***BONUS ***

Bikram Yoga is so much more...

The physical benefits are only a small part of why I love Bikram Yoga so much. It is a "practice" to truly "master oneself" - mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. It's about "being present" and finding stillness, and reducing the chatter in the mind. "Being present" isn't easy for most of us, and particularly when you're challenging your body into unusual postures. But, how many places in life do we get 90 minutes to practice being more present? It's also about practicing going from "maximum intensity" to "total relaxation", without drama. Several of the balancing postures require as much focused concentration as strength. Mind over body. It's often easy to "give up", but it's a useful practice to challenge the mind and body to stay engaged fo...more

Karmic Yoga Where You Are

...cets of ourselves to a greater or lesser degree. One is not working for God when one does this, one is working as God through God. This is something that we can do on most jobs. Through Karmic Yoga and Sat Yoga meditation we can come to this realization by ceasing to be ego driven. Karmic Yoga and Sat Yoga helps us realize who we are as the ego dies and its remnants are transformed. Mediation, renunciation, and sacrifice help to dissolve the ego like a shell around a seed, so that what is inside, the divine spark, can transform us to do the work of love in the world. We can do this anywhere, even on our jobs.

How is your job? Is there a way that you can kick the meaningfulness of your job to a higher level? Is there a way that you can embody love on your job through your interactions with customers, fellow workers, subordinates, or supervisors? How about your family? Can you do Karmic Yoga there? If you, can try it. You may find that you like it very much as you change from...more

Different Types Of Yoga apparel inclined to it.

Yoga includes equipments, clothes, accessories as well as facilities to initiate learning. So how are you going to get up and choose what you wear on Yoga activities?

Yoga clothes should always be inclined to giving the best comfort. Although there is no particular Yoga clothe or apparel that you are supposed to wear during or when performing Yoga, it is necessary that you are comfortable with what you wear.

However, there are some considerations when choosing ...more

Yoga - Stress Reducing Way To Combat Acne

...experts claim that exercise will help rid the skin of acne however, sweat can cause new breakouts in addition to potentially making current acne problem worse then they were before you started exercising.

You will have a very hard workout when you participate in yoga. The difference is yoga is preformed at a much slower pace then most other exercises so you are much less likely to work up a sweat. This pace will a...more

Yoga Teacher Training New York

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