Sunday, August 31, 2008

Yogic Stress Management Therapy - The Yoga Retreat Within

...One successful method for stress management is taking a vacation. It has recently become popular to take a vacation at a Yoga retreat. The money spent, at one of these holiday resorts, could save your sanity, your relationships, and your life. The constant ringing of phones, beeping from electronic gadgets, answering of Email, deadlines, and commuter traffic to work, are all left behind.

You might find a Yoga retreat where you see breathtaking views, read a good book, inhale fresh air, and eat sensibly. Many people bring a journal to write ideas down. In this atmosphere, you will think differently, and you m...more

Overcoming Eating Disorders Through Yoga

...Over 10 million women and a million men are affected by different forms of eating disorders in the United States alone. Most of them are teens and the common illnesses are represented by anorexia and bulimia. The physical factors related to these illnesses have only been recently acknowledged as only mental factors were previously thought to be responsible for these conditions. Eating disorders are triggered by a complexity of factors including social, biological, psychological and behavioral items.

A calm and focused mind has a better chance of reducing the harmful effects of eating disorders. Yoga has been proven to reduce depression and recreate a state of balance and well being. Different yoga practices encourage heightened levels of self esteem and promote a positive view of ...more

Yoga in Practice: Speak with Mindfulness

...wrong. However, when you listen emphatically and are fully present for the other party, you will most likely resolve, or avoid, a conflict.

All of us need to learn to laugh at ourselves and develop a sense of humor. This will give you a completely different perspective of yourself, and you wont worry about feeling embarrassed or making a mistake. This perspective will also allow you to be mindful of yourself and your words.

If you take the time to speak with gentleness, mindfulness, and loving kindness, the world will respond in kind. At the same time you wont waste energy defending your ego. Always remember the old saying, Life is too short to waste time fighting.more

The Purpose of Yoga - Creating a New Reality

...ation and transformation.

Whatever you do; your ideas must be your own. You can listen to good advice, but you cannot live your life trying to complete another persons vision of what your life should be.

Lastly, it is wise to have a Spiritual leader, Yoga teacher, Swami, Guru, mentor, consultant, coach, relative, or a trusted friend, as a confidant. This must be someone, with integrity, who inspires you to succeed in life.

He or she will not be difficult to find, because you will easily feel and see the positive energy in this persons speech, behavior, actions, and gestures. All of us need some guidance from someone who sincerely cares about us.

Copyright 2007 Paul Jerard / Aura Publications<...more

Yoga Certification Texas Scaravelli

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