Friday, August 22, 2008

How to Use Yoga DVDs and Videos to Round Out Your Practice

...I absolutely love using yoga DVDs and yoga videos during my practices. As a matter of fact, I use one of them almost every time I do yoga. Why do I love using them so much?

They Provide Variety
I dont know about you, but I get bored pretty easily. Doing exactly the same practice over and over again would drive me crazy. Instead of enjoying the relaxation that comes from yoga, I would probably be irritated by having to do the same program every time I practiced. To deal with my need for diversity, I have an assortment of yoga DVDs and I usually pick a different one each time I practice. I choose one that fits my mood and then get to enjoy the practice thoroughly.

Enjoy Favorite Classes
Even though I like variety, I also have some favorite programs. With yoga videos, I get to enjoy my preferred classes as often as I like. Its like visiting with an old friend you know what to expect and its very comfortable.

They Are Time Efficient
Like you, I never seem to have enough time. Going to a yoga class adds up to two hours to my practice time when you consider driving to the center, f...more

Yoga And Pregnancy

...ny bin or hitting my husband, I hit the mat with and without my babe and breathe. Interestingly, I experienced profound shifts in peace-of-mind when my practice was neglected and when I re-found it.

Giving birth changes a woman. Were all different to start with and so are our changes. When we become mothers our connection with Spirit becomes stronger. Yoga helps me to...more

Teaching Yoga to Students With Multiple Sclerosis

...patients. Regular, physical activity is absolutely essential to maintain quality of life for sufferers of MS. Yoga is an excellent, low impact activity that has a high level of success in fighting stress and fatigue.

Another benefit is yoga's adaptability to meet the needs of the individual. Yoga postures can be modified and altered for differing levels of ability. Some with MS lead fairly able lives, while others spend most of their days in wheel chairs. There are a variety of terms used to define the levels of Multiple Sclerosis, such as:

1. Relapsing/Remitting (RRMS)
2. Secondary Progressive (SPMS)
3. Progressive Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis (PRMS)

Yoga Teacher Training

...Yoga teacher training is NOT something I would normally write about as a hard nosed health writer but after spending two weeks at Viniyoga Teacher Training as an observer I feel compelled to tell you about what I believe is the finest yoga teacher training in the western world.

I also have to tell you that yoga teacher training is taking on a whole new meaning now American Viniyoga institute founder Gary Kraftsow has released free online audio previews of his viniyoga teacher training seminars.

But first let me tell you a little about Gary Kraftsow...

Gary is highly respected worldwide...more

1 4 Mat Yoga

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