Monday, July 21, 2008

US Video Game Sales Soar To Record 17.9 Billion Dollars - Healthy or Not?

...Wow! Isn't that great...17.9 billion dollars? It's amazing. I just read about this recently. It's a sign of our high-tech times. It's a sign that the video gaming industry is alive and well and will keep going strong for a long time. Nintendo and its Wii, Sony and its PS2, PS3 and Microsoft's XBOX 360 and its top video game Halo 3 have created a video game sales goldmine. Both the young and middle-aged gobble up these video games as soon as they come out and park themselves in front of their high def televisions for hours on end until they become masters of the game.

However, that last sentence is also what medical doctors are trying to warn parents and kids about. Why? Simply put, our kids and young adults do not exercise or get enough physical activity any longer. They come home from school or work and sit in front of the T.V. playing these video games until late into the night. To make matters w...more

People Are Getting Paid To Play Video Games

...the amount of time they are willing work.

How does it work? Basically the companies send the game and assignment sheet via mail. The gamer simply plays the game and then fills out the assignment sheet and then mails it back in. The assignment sheet is basically a mini survey about the game. The tester answers questions like, "What did you think of the game menu? Was...more

Sony and Toshiba Face Off Over High Definition disc Technology

... result, backers of both technologies are angling to give their's a foothold, which is what we're seeing now.

The introduction Toshiba's new HD-DVD player that can handle 1080p will probably just make HD-DVD more competitive with Blu-ray, because Blu-ray players are already 1080p capable. At present though, this is something of a moot point because there isn't really anything to watch in 1080p resolution anyway. Sony's Blu-ray recorder could give the technology a leg up. After all, if you can record in a format, then you have something to watch in that format, which will make it more attractive.

What the industry really needs to do is create devices that are compatible with both HD-DVD and Blu-ray discs. The first one to do that will see immediately see huge profits and prevent any one format form monopolizing the High Definition Television DVD market.<...more

How to Prevent Xbox 360 Flashing Red Lights Error

...t a huge issue, but manually turning off the Xbox using your hand could put additional stress on the hard drive to shut off. By Using the controller, you give the Xbox a smoother shut down phase, and may extend the overall life of your Xbox console.

3. Clean All Games Thoroughly Before Inserting into the Xbox 360 - Often your Xbox games will collect dust & dirt after you play them for a while. Extra dust creates friction within the unit, perhaps causing ...more

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