Monday, April 7, 2008

Golf Swing - Top Tips

Many golfers are looking for way in which they game improve their game so that they no longer end up just hacking around the course. Certainly if you are considering learning to play golf or have just taken it up you will soon find out what a difficult game this is to master. Plus like many others unless you are one of the worlds top professionals will not have enough time to spare to spend practicing in order to help your game to be improved significantly. However in this article we are going to provide you with some golf swing top tips which should help in some way to improving the way you play the game of golf.

One of the best tips we can give you when it comes to playing the game of golf and making improvements to your swing is by visualizing where it is you would like the ball to land after you have hit it. It is important that you approach this and any other game with a positive attitude and keep affirming to yourself that you can play great golf and this should then help with increasing your confidence levels in the way you play the game.

When it comes to actually swinging the club try to use the muscles in your legs and torso as much as possible. As you get into the back swing position you need to be rotating to the right and therefore your weight should then be shifting towards the right side of your body. At the same time both your shoulders and pelvis should be twisting and the arms should be raised with the elbows and wrists being flexed. As soon as your hands have been raised above the right shoulder you should then check to see which way the club is pointing. If you have carried out this move correctly the club should being pointing in the direction that you hopefully want the ball to go to when it is hit.

Another one of the golf swing top tips that you should consider using if you want to improve your golf swing and so the speed and accuracy at which the golf ball is hit is through using a golf swing aid. These are ideal for golfers whether they are just novices or have been playing for some time. The best place to learn more about the various different ones available is by taking a look in various golf magazines. Often they will have carried out a test of all the latest devices and these would have been carried out by experienced golfers. So it will certainly be much easier to choose the right kind of aid that is going to help you with improving your game.

Click here now for FREE ACCESS to our golf swing top tips that will have you hitting the ball more consistently within 30 minutes.

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